Events Programme for Central Foundation Girls’ and Boys’ Schools

In recent years a Programme of guest speakers and visits to important places of interest was introduced, primarily for sixth form girls at the Boys’ School. Pleasingly, girls from the Girls’ School and Cowper Street boys joined in too.

The aim of the Programme was to enlarge students’ experiences of the places of work, knowledge of the Houses of Parliament and the London Assembly and to engage with high level, interesting speakers.

The Programme became a valuable extra-curricular addition to the school programme and was offered to all sixth formers in both schools.

The team that developed the programme has now moved forward, taking advantage of the interest in its work by the Communications Committee of the Central Foundation Trust, and forming a sub-committee composed of staff and two students from each school and the Chair of Cowper Street Old Boys’ Association.

The four student representatives will have a big input in deciding the Programme, as well as writing and illustrating a report of each event for this website.

Topics already suggested are speakers on the environment and digital technology, further visits to Parliament and the Assembly and law firms and social events.

You can read about our past events here.

The Events Programme Team is keen to hear from anyone who has practical suggestions for enhancing what is offered to students and can be reached at